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  • Registrant : 国分寺市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/16
  • Published : 2023/09/16
  • Changed :2023/09/16
  • Total View : 742 persons
2023/10/25 - 2024/3/6 / 国分寺市 / Education / Children

Classroom for parents with young children "Think about your children, yourself" [Honda Community Center].

You will learn about the earliest years and other questions and concerns that arise during child rearing.
We will also discuss money planning, relationships with partners, and your own future.

You will learn about the earliest years and other questions and concerns that arise during child rearing.
We will also discuss money planning, relationships with partners, and your own future.

Address 国分寺市
Date 2023/10/25 - 2024/3/6
Time 10:00 minute(s) - 12:00 minute(s)
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Vivinavi - Events

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